Day 4


Cognitive Dissonance


Before we become conscious of the nature of belief systems and how they act as filters, it’s very confrontational and often triggering to have our belief systems challenged. When our belief systems are challenged we enter a state called cognitive dissonance (the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs or attitudes, especially relating to behavioural decisions and attitude change). We experience this when we are confronted with something that is either challenging something we believe, or is directly showing us our belief system may not be real.

In this state, we have two options:

  1. To accept what’s in front of us, and alter our belief
  2. To reject what’s in front of us, and hold on to our belief

So, considering we have the opportunity to switch up our negative belief systems (the one’s you identified yesterday), now is the time to un-invest in those, and reinvest in belief systems that are going to build you up!

Reflection time;

What are the belief systems that are going to make your life awesome? (write down 5).

In establishing these new belief systems, you’ve given yourself 5 mantras to live by. For example;

  1. I am loveable
  2. I am successful
  3. I am capable of tackling any challenge that comes my way
  4. I am worthy of living a life that fulfils me
  5. Everything ultimately works out for me

Your turn!

Let’s start fuelling these with belief instead.

It’s important to note and understand;


We learn through repeated action. We master something by doing it so many times that it becomes automatic, like cleaning your teeth or driving a car. We form habits and rituals so they become easy. This is also true when it comes to how we talk to ourselves. When we are exposed to a certain way of thinking for long enough it becomes our default. Our belief systems are thoughts we have about ourselves that we have rethought and reinforced continuously. The joy in understanding this, is in the realisation that we are programmable. We have the power to deprogram ourselves, and then reprogram ourselves to be attuned to positive self-talk. Negativity is often cultural- it has become a social norm that we don’t question. It’s much rarer to see someone who is secure, positive and confident within themselves than it is to see the opposite, someone battling insecurity and self-doubt. Our behaviours are conditioned, and only when we understand that this is a choice can we regain our freewill and control.

If at first you feel that changing your self-talk isn’t working, keep at your practice.

It takes roughly twelve weeks to reprogram a behavioural pattern. If you set yourself the challenge to catch yourself every time you say something negative to yourself, and actively reframe it, after twelve or so weeks this positive reinforcement will start to become a default. You will eventually reach a point of fluency.

Complete and Continue